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Verstappen had to go all the way: 'This was very intense for everyone'

14 December 2021 at 08:28
Last update 14 December 2021 at 10:25

Max Verstappen had to work really hard to win the world title this year. According to the Dutchman, the battle with Lewis Hamilton pushed both teams to the next level, but Verstappen also had to push himself to the limit.

Red Bull and Mercedes take it to the next level

While Mercedes have been the dominant team in recent years, taking it easy in the hunt for the world title, Red Bull Racing and Max Verstappen really knew how to step up to the plate in 2021. With the two teams sitting so close together, Hamilton and Verstappen ensured their teams really pushed the limit.

''I don’t think necessarily [just] ourselves, we were pushing each other but we were pushing the whole team behind us to another level that they maybe didn’t think was possible. For everyone this was very intense, to be fighting every single race, everyone had to be so perfect, or try to be near perfect ith strategy outcomes, preparation before a weekend. No mechanical failures. A lot of pressure and stressful for everyone involved,'' Verstappen said in a press conference with GPblog and others.

Hard work for Verstappen

Not only the team was pushed to the limit, but also the driver himself. Verstappen stated in conversation with That compared to 2020 he now really had to work. Whereas in 2020 he could often take it easy because there was nothing to be gained, that was different in 2021.

''Last year after a couple of races I had the feeling I didn't have to work for it. I was always alone. I managed my pace, because I knew I wouldn't win or lose a place. This year, however, I have driven almost all races full throttle until the last lap, because there was always that pressure. That's really special, I'll remember it for a long time and I hope Lewis and I can do this for many years to come'', concludes the Red Bull driver.